Ph.D. Graduates
Thesis Adviser: Federico Rodriguez Hertz
Thesis Title: Measurable Livšic Theorem For Expanding Maps of the Circle with an Indifferent Fixed Point
Degree Year: 2020
Thesis Adviser: Mihran Papikian
Thesis Title: Endomorphism rings of reductions of Drinfeld modules
Degree Year: 2020
Research Interests: Algebraic Number Theory
Thesis Adviser: Jack Huizenga
Thesis Title: Cohomology of General Sheaves in Moduli and Existence of Semistable Sheaves on del Pezzo Surfaces
Degree Year: 2020
Research Interests: Algebraic geometry
Thesis Adviser: Jan Reimann
Thesis Title: Algorithmic randomness and complexity for continuous measures
Degree Year: 2020
Education: B.S. in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, Shandong University
Thesis Adviser: Toan T. Nguyen
Thesis Title: The inviscid limit of the Navier-Stokes equations
Degree Year: 2020
Thesis Adviser: Nigel Higson
Thesis Title: Direct splitting method for the Baum-Connes conjecture and groups acting on CAT(0)-cubical spaces
Degree Year: 2020
Thesis Adviser: Anatole Katok and Svetlana Katok
Thesis Title: Slow entropy, Kakutani equivalence and parabolic flows
Degree Year: 2020
Education: B.S., Mathematics&B.S., Computer Science, Peking University, 2014
Job Description: Postdoc Fellow, Einstein Institute of Mathematics, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Research Interests: Dynamical systems, Ergodic theory, Slow entropy
Thesis Adviser: Chun Liu / Ludmil Zikatanov
Degree Year: 2020
Thesis Adviser: Andrew Belmonte
Thesis Title: Topics in Learning and Information Dynamics in Game Theory
Degree Year: 2020
Thesis Adviser: Nigel Higson
Thesis Title: Equivariant Asymptotic Morphisms for the Symplectic Plane
Degree Year: 2019
Research Interests: Geometry, Representation Theory and Physics
Thesis Adviser: Ludmil Zikatanov
Thesis Title: Analysis and Robust Preconditioning for Numerical Implementations of Richards' Equations in Groundwater Flow
Degree Year: 2019
Thesis Adviser: Diane Henderson
Thesis Title: Interfacial Waves Between Two Fluids With a Shear Flow
Degree Year: 2019
Education: B.S. in Mathematics, Lebanon Valley College, 2009
B.S. in Computer Science, Lebanon Valley College, 2009
B.S. in Computer Science, Lebanon Valley College, 2009
Research Interests: Wind generated ocean waves, applied mathematics, numerical methods, partial differential equations
Thesis Adviser: Ping Xu
Thesis Title: Symplectic Realizations of Non-Degenerate Poisson-Nijenhuis Manifolds
Degree Year: 2019
Thesis Adviser: Xiantao Li
Degree Year: 2019
Thesis Adviser: Dmitri Burago
Thesis Title: Entropy of the Lorentz Gas and Other Results
Degree Year: 2019
Research Interests: Dynamical Systems
Thesis Adviser: Alberto Bressan
Thesis Title: Debt Management Problems and Topics in Stackelberg Equilibrium
Degree Year: 2019
Thesis Adviser: Chun Liu and James Brannick
Thesis Title: Energetic variational approaches and numerical analysis in complex fluids
Degree Year: 2019
Education: B.S. in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Belarusian State University, 2012
Research Interests: PDE analysis and computations, fluid dynamics, complex fluids, hyperbolic systems of conservation laws
Thesis Adviser: Vladimir Itskov
Degree Year: 2019
Research Interests: Applied homological algebra, topological data analysis, mathematical neuroscience
Thesis Adviser: Dmitri Burago
Thesis Title: On two problems in analysis on manifolds
Degree Year: 2019
Thesis Adviser: George Andrews and Ae Ja Yee
Thesis Title: Studies of partition functions with conditions on parts and parity
Degree Year: 2019
Thesis Adviser: Robert Vaughan
Degree Year: 2019
Thesis Adviser: Nigel Higson
Thesis Title: Asymptotically Contained Representations and the Spherical Plancherel Formula
Degree Year: 2019
Education: B.S. in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, Fudan University, 2012
Research Interests: noncommutative geometry, representation of real semisimple Lie groups, Plancherel formula, symplectic geometry
Thesis Adviser: Jason Morton
Thesis Title: An Algebraic Perspective on Computing with Data
Degree Year: 2019
Thesis Adviser: Ludmil Zikatanov
Degree Year: 2019
Education: B.S. in Mathematics,University of Science and Technology of China,2014
Research Interests: Computational mathematics, multigrid method.
Thesis Adviser: Nigel Higson
Degree Year: 2019
Thesis Adviser: Yakov Pesin
Degree Year: 2019
Thesis Adviser: Svetlana Katok
Thesis Title: Boundary maps and their natural extensions associated with Fuchsian and Kleinian groups
Degree Year: 2018
Job Description: Assistant Professor (Adiunkt), Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences
Research Interests: Dynamical Systems
Thesis Adviser: Kirsten Eisentraeger
Thesis Title: Constructing curves with complex multiplication using the Chinese remainder theorem
Degree Year: 2018
Research Interests: Arithmetic Geometry, Number Theory, Cryptography
Thesis Adviser: Winnie Li
Thesis Title: Prime geodesic theorems for complexes from PGL3 (F) and PGSP4 (F)
Degree Year: 2018
Research Interests: Number Theory
Thesis Adviser: Anatole Katok
Thesis Title: Density properties of certain group actions and joining rigidity of some smooth singular flows
Degree Year: 2018
Job Description: Brin Postdoc, University of Maryland, College Park
Research Interests: Dynamical Systems
Thesis Adviser: Anatole Katok
Thesis Title: Flexibility of some dynamical and geometric data
Degree Year: 2018
Job Description: Zassenhaus Assistant Professor, Ohio State University
Research Interests: Dynamical Systems
Thesis Adviser: Leonid Berlyand
Thesis Title: Vertices in the Ginzburg-Landau superconductivity model
Degree Year: 2018
Research Interests: Partial Differential Equations
Thesis Adviser: Jason Morton
Thesis Title: Distributed Computational Systems
Degree Year: 2018
Research Interests: Computational Algebraic Geometry and Commutative Algebra, Neural Networks
Thesis Adviser: Ping Xu and Mathieu Stienon
Degree Year: 2018
Thesis Adviser: Kirsten Eisentraeger
Thesis Title: Local-global principles and diophantive sets in rings of number-theoretic interest
Degree Year: 2018
Research Interests: Number Theory
Thesis Adviser: Federico Rodriguez Hertz
Degree Year: 2018
Thesis Adviser: Xiantao Li
Thesis Title: Model Reduction by Dirichlet-to-Neumann map for Molecular Dynamics and Quantum Mechanics
Degree Year: 2018
Education: B.S. in Information and Computational Science, Wuhan University, 2011
Research Interests: Computational Mathematics, Computational Materials.
Wenfang Xu
Thesis Adviser: Ludmil Zikatanov
Thesis Title: Adaptive Aggregation and Signal Processing on Graphs
Degree Year: 2018
Thesis Adviser: Anatole Katok
Thesis Title: Real-analytic AbC method on the torus
Degree Year: 2017
Job Description: 2017 - 2018: Data Science Research Fellow. Albert Einstein College of Medicine.
2018 - present: Assistant Professor, Indraprastha Institute of Informations technology, Dehli, India
Research Interests: Dynamical Systems
Thesis Adviser: James Brannick
Thesis Title: Studies on the local times of discrete-time stochastic processes
Degree Year: 2017
Education: B.S. Nankai University, 2010
Research Interests: Probability
Thesis Adviser: Dmitri Burago
Thesis Title: On some problems in Lagnangian dynamics and Finsler geometry
Degree Year: 2017
Research Interests: Dynamical Systems Differential Geometry
Thesis Adviser: Sergei Tabachnikov
Thesis Title: Skew flat fibrations and totally convex immersions
Degree Year: 2017
Research Interests: Differential Topology
Thesis Adviser: Leonid Berlyand
Thesis Title: Analytical and numerical studies on minimal models of crawling cell motion
Degree Year: 2017
Research Interests: Applied mathematics, mathematical biology
Thesis Adviser: Jan Reimann
Degree Year: 2017
Career Bio: Randomness of restricted value martingales, selection rules, and graph sequences
Research Interests: Mathematical Logic
Thesis Adviser: Qiang Du
Thesis Title: Study of nonlinear peridynamics and nonlocal kernel functions
Degree Year: 2017
Research Interests: Partial differential equations
Thesis Adviser: Jinchao Xu
Thesis Title: Algebraic multigrid methods and their applications
Degree Year: 2017
Education: B.S. in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics,
Research Interests: Algebraic multigrid method (AMG) and its application.
Thesis Adviser: Anna Mazzucato and Victor Nistor
Thesis Title: Parabolic transmission problem and applications to the finite element method
Degree Year: 2017
Education: B.S. Nankai Univerisity 2011
Research Interests: PDE, Applied Mathematics
Thesis Adviser: Manfred Denker
Thesis Title: Studies on the local times of discrete-time stochastic processes
Degree Year: 2017
Research Interests: Probability
Thesis Adviser: Gary Mullen
Thesis Title: "Orthogonal sets of Latin Squares and Class-r hypercubes generated by finite algebraic systems"
Degree Year: 2016
Career Bio: Visiting Assistant Professor, Franklin & Marshall College
Education: B.A. Mathematics and Physics, Franklin & Marshall College, 2010.
Research Interests: Latin squares, finite fields, transcendental number theory.
Thesis Adviser: Nathanial Brown
Degree Year: 2016
Career Bio: Postdoc, University of Muenster, Germany 2016 -
Research Interests: Operator Algebras
Thesis Adviser: Jinchao Xu
Thesis Title: "Fast Solvers for Incompressible MHD Systems"
Degree Year: 2016
Thesis Adviser: Alberto Bressan
Degree Year: 2016
Thesis Adviser: Victor Nistor and Anna Mazzucato
Degree Year: 2016
Research Interests: Option pricing
Thesis Adviser: Yuxi Zheng
Degree Year: 2016
Education: B.S.,Mathematics, Peking University
Thesis Adviser: Nigel Higson
Thesis Title: "C*-Algebras in Kirillov Theory"
Degree Year: 2015
Thesis Adviser: Qiang Du
Thesis Title: "Nonlocal models with convection effects"
Degree Year: 2015
Thesis Adviser: Nigel Higson
Thesis Title: "Quantization of affine coadjoint orbits"
Degree Year: 2015
Thesis Adviser: Jinchao Xu
Thesis Title: "General purpose compositional simulation for multiphase reactive flow with a fast linear solver"
Degree Year: 2015
Education: B.S.,Peking University
Research Interests: Reservoir Simulation
Thesis Adviser: Jason Morton
Thesis Title: The invariant theory and geometry pertaining to tensor networks and some further applications
Degree Year: 2015
Career Bio: Postdoc, Mathematics, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Thesis Adviser: Winnie Li
Degree Year: 2015
Career Bio: Postdoc at McGill University
Xuan Zhang
Thesis Adviser: Manfred Denker
Thesis Title: Studies on the weak convergence of partial sums in Gibbs-Markov dynamical systems
Degree Year: 2015
Career Bio: Special visiting researcher, Instituto de Mathematica, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Chao Liang
Thesis Adviser: Victor Nistor and Xiantao Li
Thesis Title: Approximate solutions to Second Order Parabolic Equations with Applications to Financial Modeling
Degree Year: 2014
Career Bio: Associate, Fixed income division, Morgan Stanley, New York, NY
Shawn Ryan
Thesis Adviser: Leonid Berlyand
Thesis Title: Effective properties and collective dynamics in bacterial suspensions
Degree Year: 2014
Career Bio: 2017-Assistant Professor, Cleveland State University
Postdoctoral research associate, Department of Mathematics/Liquid Crystal Institute, Kent state University, Kent, OH
Lu Wang
Thesis Adviser: Jinchao Xu
Thesis Title: The auxiliary space solvers and their applications
Degree Year: 2014
Career Bio: Postdoctoral researcher, Center for applied scientific computing, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore CA
Weisheng Wu
Thesis Adviser: Federico Rodriguez Hertz and Anatole Katok
Thesis Title: Geodesic flows on manifolds of nonpositive curvature and nonsense orbits in partially hyperbolic systems
Degree Year: 2014
Career Bio: Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Mathematical Sciences, peking University, Beijing, China
Dongmei Zhang
Thesis Adviser: Tim Reluga
Thesis Title: Control Problems in Infectious Disease Management
Degree Year: 2014
Sankha Basu
Thesis Adviser: Stephen G. Simpson
Thesis Title: A model of intuitionism based on Turing degrees
Degree Year: 2013
Career Bio: Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, Penn State
Giancarlo Facchi
Thesis Adviser: Alberto Bressan
Thesis Title: Optimal bidding in a limit order book
Degree Year: 2013
Career Bio: Quantitative Researcher, J. P. Morgan
Ryan Flynn
Thesis Adviser: Mihran Papikian
Thesis Title: Quaternion algebras and elliptic curves over function fields of finite characteristic
Degree Year: 2013
Career Bio: Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, Penn State
Ke Han
Thesis Adviser: Alberto Bressan/Terry Friesz
Thesis Title: An analytical approach to sustainable transportation network design
Degree Year: 2013
Career Bio: Assistant Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Imperial College, London
Wei Hong
Thesis Adviser: Ping Xu
Thesis Title: Some problems in Poisson geometry
Degree Year: 2013
Career Bio: Postdoc, Wuhan University
William Hudelson
Thesis Adviser: Stephen G. Simpson
Thesis Title: Partial randomness and Kolmogorov complexity
Degree Year: 2013
Career Bio: Associate, McKinsey and Company
Xiang Ji
Thesis Adviser: Ping Xu
Thesis Title: Deformation problems in Lie algebroids and extended Poisson geometry
Degree Year: 2013
Career Bio: Assistant Professor, Penn State, New Kensington
Degree Year: 2013
Thinh Le
Thesis Adviser: Qiang Du
Thesis Title: Nonlocal exterior calculus on Riemannian manifolds
Degree Year: 2013
Career Bio: Lecturer, Viet Nam National University
Evgeny Mayanskiy
Thesis Adviser: Yuri Zarhin
Thesis Title: Asymptotic Mukai model of M6
Degree Year: 2013
Career Bio: Postdoc, Higher School of Economics, Moscow
Brian Nowakowski
Thesis Adviser: Manfred Denker
Thesis Title: On multi-parameter semimartingales, their integrals and weak convergence
Degree Year: 2013
Career Bio: Technical Staff, MIT Lincoln Laboratory
Noopur Pathak
Thesis Adviser: Stephen G. Simpson
Thesis Title: Computable aspects of measure theory
Degree Year: 2013
Career Bio: Internal Consultant, Ab Initio, Lexington, MA
Yanli Song
Thesis Adviser: Nigel Higson
Thesis Title: Geometric quantization, reduction and k-homology
Degree Year: 2013
Career Bio: Postdoc, University of Toronto
Manoj Verma
Thesis Adviser: Robert Vaughan
Thesis Title: Representation of integers by a family of cubic forms in seven variables
Degree Year: 2013
Career Bio: Postdoc, The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, India
Deling Wei
Thesis Adviser: Alberto Bressan
Thesis Title: Models of noncooperative games
Degree Year: 2013
Career Bio: Associate, Morgan Stanley, New York, NY
Allan Yashinski
Thesis Adviser: Nigel Higson
Thesis Title: Periodic cyclic homology and smooth deformations
Degree Year: 2013
Career Bio: Temporary Assistant Professor, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Shilin Yu
Thesis Adviser: Nigel Higson
Thesis Title: The Dolbeault DGA of a formal neighborhood
Degree Year: 2013
Career Bio: Hans Rodemacher Instructor of Mathematics, University of Pennsylvania
Jingyan Zhang
Thesis Adviser: Qiang Du
Thesis Title: Shrinking Dimet dynamics (SDD) and saddle point search
Degree Year: 2013
Career Bio: Quantitative Researcher, Nine Chapters Capital Management
Chong Ai
Thesis Adviser: Mark Levi
Thesis Title: Effect of tidal dissipation on the motion of celestial bodies
Degree Year: 2012
Serge Ballif
Thesis Adviser: Gary Mullen
Thesis Title: Orthogonality and extendability of latin squares and related structures
Degree Year: 2012
Career Bio: Assistant Professor, Mathematics, Nevada State College
Jianyu Chen
Thesis Adviser: Yakov Pesin
Thesis Title: Coexistence of hyperbolic and non-hyperbolic behavior in smooth dynamical systems
Degree Year: 2012
Career Bio: Research Associate, Mathematics, Michigan State University
Yao Chen
Thesis Adviser: Jams Brannick and Ludmil Zikatanov
Thesis Title: Algebraic multilevel methods for graph Laplacians
Degree Year: 2012
Career Bio: Software engineer, Xbox, Microsoft, Mountain View CA
Tyrone Crisp
Thesis Adviser: Nigel Higson
Thesis Title: Equivariant homology and representation theory of p-adic groups
Degree Year: 2012
Career Bio: Postdoc, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Copenhagen University, Denmark
Seunghun Hong
Thesis Adviser: Nigel Higson
Thesis Title: A Lie-algebraic approach to the local index theorem on compact homogeneous spaces
Degree Year: 2012
Career Bio: Postdoc, Mathematics, Mathematische Institut, Goettingen, Germany
Research Associate, Mathematics, Penn State
Jing-Jing Huang
Thesis Adviser: Robert Vaughan
Thesis Title: Analytic methods for Diophantine problems
Degree Year: 2012
Career Bio: Postdoc, Mathematics, University of Toronto, Canada
Tenure-track Assistant Professor, University of Nevada, Reno
David Koslicki
Thesis Adviser: Manfred Denker
Thesis Title: Substitution Markov chains with applications to molecular evolution
Degree Year: 2012
Career Bio: 2012-13 Postdoc, Mathematical Biosciences Institute, Ohio State University
2013 Assistant Professor, Mathematics, Oregon State University
Oleksandr Misiats
Thesis Adviser: Leonid Berlyand
Thesis Title: Asymptotic analysis of Ginzburg-Landau superconductivity model
Degree Year: 2012
Career Bio: Golomb Assistant Professor, Mathematics, Purdue University;
Tenure-track Assistant professor, Mathematics, Virginia Commonwealth University
Assieh Saadatpour Moghaddam
Thesis Adviser: Mark Levi and Reka Albert
Thesis Title: Dynamic modeling of biological and physical systems
Degree Year: 2012
Career Bio: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Dana Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard School of Public Health
Prapanpong Pongsriam
Thesis Adviser: Robert Vaughan
Thesis Title: The distribution of the divisor function in arithmetic progressions
Degree Year: 2012
Career Bio: 2012-2015 - Lecturer in Mathematics, Silpakorn University, Thailand
2015-present - Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Silpakorn University, Thailand
Qingqin Qu
Thesis Adviser: Anna Mazzucato and Victor Nistor
Thesis Title: The generalized finite element method: numerical treatment of singularities, interfaces, and boundary conditions
Degree Year: 2012
Career Bio: Lecturer, Mathematics, Idaho State University
Paul Siegel
Thesis Adviser: John Roe
Thesis Title: Homological calculations with the analytic surgery exact sequence
Degree Year: 2012
Career Bio: Ritt Assistant Professor, Mathematics, Columbia University
Michael Tseng
Thesis Adviser: Nathaniel Brown
Thesis Title: Rokhlin actions on AF algebras and classifiability
Degree Year: 2012
Career Bio: Economics Ph.D. student, Simon Fraser University
Kun Zhou
Thesis Adviser: Qiang Du
Thesis Title: The peridynamic theory of solid mechanics
Degree Year: 2012
Career Bio: Associate, Quantitative Equity Trading, UBS Investment Bank, NY
Lin Zhu
Thesis Adviser: Anatole Katok
Thesis Title: Livsic Theorem for cocycles with value in GL(n,Q_p)
Degree Year: 2012
Career Bio: Financial analyst, China
Wen Cheng
Thesis Adviser: Anna Mazzucato and Victor Nistor
Thesis Title: Approximate Solutions to Second Order Parabolic Equations with Applications to Option Pricing
Degree Year: 2011
Career Bio: Quantitative Associate, J.P. Morgan, New York, NY
Arseny Egorov
Thesis Adviser: Svetlana Katok and Anatole Katok
Thesis Title: Symbolic Dynamics of the Weyl Chamber Flow
Degree Year: 2011
Career Bio: Knowledge Engineer, Reasoning Mind Inc., Houston, TX
Yang Fang
Thesis Adviser: Wen-Ching Winnie Li
Thesis Title: Zeta functions of complexes from PGTSP(4)
Degree Year: 2011
Shishuo Fu
Thesis Adviser: George Andrews
Thesis Title: Bijective methods and combinatorial studies of problems in partition theory and related areas
Degree Year: 2011
Career Bio: Postdoc, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, Korea
Thesis Adviser: Leonid Berlyand
Thesis Title: Effective viscosity of dilute bacterial suspecsions
Degree Year: 2011
Career Bio: 2011, Nicholas C. Metropolis Postdoctoral Fellow, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM
2013, Scientist, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM
Andong He
Thesis Adviser: Andrew Belmonte and Mark Levi
Thesis Title: Conformal mapping and variational methods for interfacial dynamics in fluids
Degree Year: 2011
Career Bio: 2011, Postdoctoral Research Associate — Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics, Brown University
2013, Postdoc, Yale University
Jonas Kibelbek
Thesis Adviser: Wen-Ching Winnie Li
Thesis Title: Formal groups and Atkin and Swinnerton-Dyer congruences
Degree Year: 2011
Career Bio: Postdoc, Iowa State University
Yanping Ma
Thesis Adviser: Qiang Du and Cheng Dong
Thesis Title: Population Dynamics Modeling of Heterotypic Cell
Degree Year: 2011
Career Bio: Tenure-track Assistant Professor, Loyola University, Los Angeles, CA
Yu Qiao
Thesis Adviser: Victor Nistor and John Roe
Thesis Title: Analysis on singular spaces: applications of operator algebras to Boundary value problems
Degree Year: 2011
Huan Sun
Thesis Adviser: Chun Liu and James Brannick
Thesis Title: An Energetic Variational Approach to Modeling Complex Fluids and Its Numerical Simulations
Degree Year: 2011
Career Bio: Software Development Engineer, Inc., Seattle, WA
Heiko Todt
Thesis Adviser: George Andrews
Thesis Title: Asymptotics of partition functions
Degree Year: 2011
Career Bio: 2011, Assistant Professor, Mathematics, Stonehill College, Easton, MA
Tao Wang
Thesis Adviser: Alberto Bressan
Thesis Title: Mathematical Control and Dynamic Blocking Problems
Degree Year: 2011
Xiang Xu
Thesis Adviser: Chun Liu
Thesis Title: Topics on Stability of Complex Fluid Models
Degree Year: 2011
Career Bio: Postdoc, Department of Mathematics, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
2014, Visiting Assistant Professor, Purdue University
2015, Tenure-track Assistant Professor, Old Dominion University
Yanxiang Zhao
Thesis Adviser: Qiang Du
Thesis Title: Phase Field Modeling on Multicomponent Vesicle Adhesion and Fusion
Degree Year: 2011
Career Bio: 2011-14 Postdoc Scholar, Mathematics, University of California San Diego
2014, Tenure-track assistant professor, Mathematics, George Washington University
Vaughn Climenhaga
Thesis Adviser: Yakov Pesin
Thesis Title: Thermodynamic formalism and multifractal for general topological dynamical systems
Degree Year: 2010
Career Bio: 2010/2011- Faculty Research Assistant, University of Maryland, College Park
2011/2012- NSERC Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Toronto
2012, Assistant Professor University of Houston
Van Cyr
Thesis Adviser: Omri Sarig
Thesis Title: Transient Markov shifts
Degree Year: 2010
Career Bio: 2010-13 Boas Assistant Professor, Northwestern University
2013, Assistant Professor, Bucknell University
Vitaly Gyrya
Thesis Adviser: Leonid Berlyand
Thesis Title: Effective viscosity and dynamics of suspensions of microswimmers
Degree Year: 2010
Career Bio: Postdoc, Applied Mathematics and Plasma Physics Group, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Steven Hair
Associate Teaching Professor & Coordinator of Advising
104L McAllister Building
814 865 7528
Degree Year: 2010
Education: Ph.D. Penn State University, 2010
Michael Higley
Thesis Adviser: Andrew Belmonte
Thesis Title: Stochastic and deterministic processes in fragmentation and sedimenation
Degree Year: 2010
Career Bio: Postdoc, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ
Ming-Hsuan Kang
Thesis Adviser: Wen-Ching Winnie Li
Thesis Title: Zeta functions and applications of group based complexes
Degree Year: 2010
Career Bio: 2011-12, Visiting scholar, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
2014, Assistant Professor, Department of applied mathematics, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
Manlin Li
Thesis Adviser: Qiang Du
Thesis Title: Analysis of deterministic and stochastic implicit interface interaction models of fluid-interface interactions
Degree Year: 2010
Career Bio: Microsoft, Redmond, WA
Tianjiang Li
Thesis Adviser: Qiang Du
Thesis Title: Abstract principal component analysis and applications to model reduction
Degree Year: 2010
Career Bio: Seismic imager, CGGVeritas, Houston, TX
Sergey Orshanskiy
Thesis Adviser: Dmitri Burago
Thesis Title: A PL-manifold of nonnegative curvature homeomorphic to S2xS2 is a direct metric product
Degree Year: 2010
Career Bio: 2010-12, Associate, IT Investment Banking, Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC, New York, NY
2014, Data Scientist, Bask Labs
John Skukalek
Thesis Adviser: Nigel Higson
Thesis Title: On the Higson-Mackey analogy, group C*-algebras, and K-theory
Degree Year: 2010
Career Bio: 2010, Professional Lecturer, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, American University, Washington D.C.
Peng Sun
Thesis Adviser: Anatole Katok
Thesis Title: Entropy and invariant measures for skew product maps
Degree Year: 2010
Career Bio: Assistant Professor, China Economics and Management Academy, Beijing, China
Chenying Wang
Thesis Adviser: Wen_Ching Winnie Li
Thesis Title: Coding theory
Degree Year: 2010
Career Bio: Lecturer, Penn State University
Zhenqi Wang
Thesis Adviser: Anatole Katok
Thesis Title: Partially hyperbolic actions
Degree Year: 2010
Career Bio: 2010-13, Gibbs Assistant Professor, Yale University
2013, Assistant Professor, Michigan State University
Jiangwei Xue
Thesis Adviser: Yuri Zarhin
Thesis Title: The endomorphism algebras and Hodge groups of certain superelliptic Jacobians
Degree Year: 2010
Career Bio: Postdoc, Math. division, National Theoretical Science Center, National Tsinghua University, Taiwan
2014, Associate Professor, Wuhan University, China
Chris George
Thesis Adviser: Nigel Higson
Thesis Title: The Mackey analogy for SL(n,R)
Degree Year: 2009
Career Bio: Assistant Professor, Nazareth College, NY
Andriy Gogolyev
Thesis Adviser: Anatole Katok
Thesis Title: Smooth conjugacy in hyperbolic dynamics
Degree Year: 2009
Career Bio: 2009-11, R.H. Bing Instructor, University of Texas, Austin
2012 - Assistant Professor, Binhampton University
2017 - Associate Professor, Ohio State University
Melchior Grutzmann
Thesis Adviser: Ping Xu
Thesis Title: Courant algebroids: cohomology and matched pairs
Degree Year: 2009
Career Bio: Research Assistant/Postdoc, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China
Wing Kai Ho
Thesis Adviser: Dmitri Burago
Thesis Title: On geodesics on compact Riemannian surfaces
Degree Year: 2009
Career Bio: University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Kagan Kursungoz
Thesis Adviser: George Andrews
Thesis Title: Parity considerations in Andrews-Gordon identities and the K-marked Dufree symbols
Degree Year: 2009
Career Bio: 2009-11, Lecturer, The Pennsylvania State University
2012, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Sabancı University, İstanbul, Turkey
Min Lu
Thesis Adviser: Wen-Ching Winnie Li
Thesis Title: Low density parity check codes: asymptotic behavior and zeta functions
Degree Year: 2009
Career Bio: Data Specialist, Dynamic Technology Lab, Singapore
Dmitry Scheglov
Thesis Adviser: Anatole Katok
Thesis Title: Absence of mixing for smooth flows on the genus two surface
Degree Year: 2009
Career Bio: 2009-12, Assistant Professor, University of Oklahoma, Norman OK
2013, Federal Fluminense University, Brazil
Daniele Signori
Thesis Adviser: Ping Xu and Adrian Ocneanu
Thesis Title: Poisson sigma models, reduction and nonlinear gauge theories
Degree Year: 2009
Career Bio: Graduate student in Economics, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada
Rufus Willett
Thesis Adviser: John Roe
Thesis Title: Bond-dominated operators and the stable Higson corona
Degree Year: 2009
Career Bio: 2009-12, Assistant Professor, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN
2013, Assistant professor, University of Hawai'i
Lei Zhang
Thesis Adviser: Qiang Du
Thesis Title: Phase field model for the nucleation in solid state phase transformations: theories, algorithms and applications
Degree Year: 2009
Career Bio: Visiting Assistant Professor, UC Irvine
Durkbin Cho
Thesis Adviser: Ludmil Zikatanov
Thesis Title: Multilevel methods for the generalized finite element method discretizations
Degree Year: 2008
Career Bio: Research Associate, Department of Mathematics, Penn State
Thesis Adviser: Kris Jenssen
Degree Year: 2008
John Ethier
Thesis Adviser: Gary Mullen
Thesis Title: Strong forms of orthogonality
Degree Year: 2008
Career Bio: Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Metropolitan State College of Denver
Thesis Adviser: Victor Nistor and Ludmil Zikatanov
Thesis Title: Elliptic equations with singularities: a-priori analysis and numerical approaches
Degree Year: 2008
Career Bio: 2008-2010, Philip T. Church Postdoc Fellow, Department of Mathematics, Syracuse University
2010-2011, IMA Postdoc Associate, Institute for Mathematics and its applications, University of Minnesota
2011, Tenure track Assistant Professor, Wayne State University
Uuye Otgonbayar
Thesis Adviser: Nigel Higson
Thesis Title: The local index theorem in noncommutative geoemtry
Degree Year: 2008
Career Bio: 2008-11, Postdoc, Mathematical Sciences, Copenhagen University, Copenhagen, Denmark
2012, Research Associate, EPSRC Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Cardiff University, Wales, UK
Jia Pan
Thesis Adviser: Edward Green and Jenny Li
Thesis Title: Optimal intermediated investment in a liquidity-driven business cycle
Degree Year: 2008
Career Bio: Assistant Professor, Economic Department, Fudan University, Shanghai, China
Bryce Weaver
Thesis Adviser: Anatole Katok
Thesis Title: Growth rate of periodic orbits for geodesic flows
Degree Year: 2008
Career Bio: 2012-15, Zorn Postdoctoral Fellow, Mathematics, Indiana University, Bloomington
Guangri Xue
Thesis Adviser: Jinchao Xu
Thesis Title: Mathematical modeling and computation of fuel cells
Degree Year: 2008
Career Bio: Postdoc, Institute for Computational Engineering and Science, University of Texas at Austin
2014, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Bin Zheng
Thesis Adviser: Jinchao Xu
Thesis Title: Finite element approximations of high order partial differential equations
Degree Year: 2008
Yunrong Zhu
Thesis Adviser: Jinchao Xu
Thesis Title: Robust preconditions for H(grad), H(curl) and H(div) systems with strongly discontinuous coefficients
Degree Year: 2008
Career Bio: 2008, Postdoc, Department of Mathematics, University of California, San Diego
Seunghoon Bang
Thesis Adviser: Yuxi Zheng
Thesis Title: Rarefaction Wave of Pressure - Gradient System
Degree Year: 2007
Career Bio: 2007, Instructor, Lock Haven University
Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, Penn State
James Barton
Thesis Adviser: Ping Xu
Thesis Title: Generalized complex structures on Courant algebroids
Degree Year: 2007
Thesis Adviser: Yakov Pesin
Thesis Title: Dynamics of the Local Map of a Discrete Brusselator Model
Degree Year: 2007
Career Bio: 2007-08, Postdoc, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University, Hokkaido, Japan
2011, Assistant Professor, Math at Soongsil Univ. Korea
Thesis Adviser: George Andrews
Thesis Title: Rank of Partitions and Degree Symbols
Degree Year: 2007
Career Bio: 2007, Auxiliary faculty, Mathematics, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
2013, Assistant Professor, Michigan Tech University
Michael Rowell
Thesis Adviser: George Andrews and Ae Ja Yee
Thesis Title: The Bailey Transform and Conjugate Bailey Pairs
Degree Year: 2007
Career Bio: 2007, Instructor, Mathematics, Penn State
2008, Assistant Professor, Pacific University
2010-13, Research Scientist,
2013, Senior Data Scientist, Microsoft
Gordana Stojanovic
Thesis Adviser: Sergei Tabachnikov
Thesis Title: Embeddings with certain non-degeneracy conditions
Degree Year: 2007
Career Bio: 2007, Postdoc, School of Mathematics, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA
Jiakou Wang
Thesis Adviser: Qiang Du
Thesis Title: Stochastic and Deterministic Coagulation Models, their numerical Approximations and Application to Cell Aggregation
Degree Year: 2007
Career Bio: 2007, Senior Associate, Department of fixed income, Lehman Brothers, Tokyo, Japan
Thesis Adviser: Yakov Pesin
Thesis Title: Therodynamic formalism for maps with inducing schemes
Degree Year: 2007
Career Bio: 2007, Lecturer, University of Maryland, College Park, MD
2010, Assistant Professor, University of Toronto, Canada
Travis Fisher
Thesis Adviser: Anatole Katok
Thesis Title: Some Results in Hyperbolic Dynamics
Degree Year: 2006
Career Bio: 2006-2010, Quant developer, Bloomberg LP, New York
June 2010 – Present, Executive Director, Morgan Stanley, New York
Yuliya Gorb
Thesis Adviser: Leonid Berlyand
Thesis Title: Asymptotic Analysis of Effective Properties of Highly Concentrated Composites
Degree Year: 2006
Career Bio: 2006, Visiting Assistant Professor, Mathematics, Texas A&M University
Thesis Adviser: Wen-Ching Winnie Li
Thesis Title: Operators Based on Double Cosets of GL2
Degree Year: 2006
Career Bio: 2009-12, Assistant Professor, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
2012-, Associate Professor, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
David Mieczkowski
Thesis Adviser: Anatole Katok
Thesis Title: The Cohomological Equation and Representation Theory
Degree Year: 2006
Career Bio: 2006, Cornell Business School, New York
2014, Senior Quantitative Analyst, Fidelity Investments
Thesis Adviser: Yakov Pesin
Thesis Title: Thermodynamic Formalism for Nonuniformly Hyperbolic Dynamical Systems
Degree Year: 2006
Career Bio: 2006, Visiting Research Instructor, Mathematics, Michigan State University
2007, Visiting Assistant Professor, Mathematics, Alfred University, Alfred, NY
2008, Assistant Professor, Mathematics, Marshall University, Huntington, WV
Rolf J. Ryham
Thesis Adviser: Chun Liu
Thesis Title: An Energetic Variational Approach to Mathematical Modeling of Charged Fluids: Charge Phases, Simulation and Well Posedness
Degree Year: 2006
Career Bio: 2006, VIGRE Lovett Instructor, Mathematics, Rice University, Texas
2012-, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics
Fordham University
Shih-Chang Tsao
Thesis Adviser: Wen-Ching Winnie Li
Thesis Title: On Explicit Constructions and Improved Bounds of Algebraic Geometry Codes
Degree Year: 2006
Career Bio: 2006, Engineer/Analyst, ToLink Inc., Taipei, Taiwan
Thesis Adviser: Nigel Higson
Thesis Title: Analytic Structures for the Index Theory of SL(3, C)
Degree Year: 2006
Career Bio: 2006, Visiting Professor, Mathematics, University of Muenster, Germany
2011-, Lecturer (tenured), Laboratoire de math ́ematiques,
Universit ́e Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand II
Thesis Adviser: Jinchao Xu
Thesis Title: Robust and Accurate Algorithms for Solving Anisotropic Singularities
Degree Year: 2005
Career Bio: 2005, Postdoc, Mathematics, University of California at San Diego
2006, Postdoc, Mathematics, University of Maryland
2007, Tenure-track Assistant Professor, University of California, Irvine
2011-, Associate Professor, University of California, Irvine
Thesis Adviser: Victor Nistor
Thesis Title: Equivariant Non-commutative Residue and an Equivariant Weyl's Theorem
Degree Year: 2005
Career Bio: 2006-10, Postdoc, Mathematics, University of Vienna, Austria
2010-, Researcher, Wolfgang Pauli Institute, Vienna, Austria
Thesis Adviser: Yuri Zarhin
Thesis Title: Hyperelliptic Jacobians with Real Multiplication
Degree Year: 2005
Career Bio: 2005, Postdoc, Mathematics, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
2006, Postdoc, Mathematics, Colorado State University
2010-11, Marie Curie Incoming International Fellow, Mathematics, Warwick University, England
2011-, Software engineer, Google
Thesis Adviser: Qiang Du
Thesis Title: Multilevel and Adaptive Methods for some Nonlinear Optimization Problems
Degree Year: 2005
Career Bio: 2005, CNA Postdoc, Mathematical Sciences, Carnegie Mellon University, Pennsylvania
2007, Assistant Professor, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
2012-, Associate Professor, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
Johannes H.A.M. Van Erp
Thesis Adviser: Nigel Higson
Thesis Title: The Atiyah-Singer Index Formula for Subelliptic Operators on Contact Manifolds
Degree Year: 2005
Career Bio: 2006, Lecturer, Mathematics, University of Pennsylvania
2012-, Assistant Professor, Dartmouth College
Daniel Genin
Thesis Adviser: Sergei Tabachnikov
Thesis Title: Regular and Chaotic Dynamics of Outer Billiards
Degree Year: 2005
Career Bio: 2005, Penn State, Business School
2006, Lecturer, Mathematics, Penn State
2007, National Institute of Standards, Washington D. C.
2013-, Senior Technical Staff, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
Degree Year: 2005
Hyun Jeong Kim
Thesis Adviser: John Roe
Thesis Title: Coarse Geometry of Warped Cones
Degree Year: 2005
Career Bio: 2006, Postdoc, Mathematics, University of Muenster, Germany
Kimberly Lloyd
Thesis Adviser: W. Dale Brownawell
Thesis Title: Two Approaches to Measures for Algebraic Independence
Degree Year: 2005
Career Bio: 2006, Technical Services Engineer, Epic Systems Corp., Wisconsin
Viet-Trung Luu
Thesis Adviser: John Roe
Thesis Title: A Large-Scale Approach to K-Homology
Degree Year: 2005
Career Bio: 2006, Mathematics, University of Victoria, Canada
2009-, Software engineer, Google
Dmitry Matsnev
Thesis Adviser: Nigel Higson
Thesis Title: The Baum-Connes Conjecture and Group Actions on Affine Buildings
Degree Year: 2005
Career Bio: 2006, Postdoc, Mathematics, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon, Portugal
2009-12, Quant, Optiver, Amsterdam Area, Netherlands
2012-, Software engineer, Google, Zurich, Switzerland
Thesis Adviser: Stephen G. Simpson
Thesis Title: On the Reverse Mathematics of General Topology
Degree Year: 2005
Career Bio: 2005-2006, Visiting Assistant Professor, Mathematics, Appalachian State University, North Carolina
2006-2009, Three-year Assistant Professor, Mathematics, University of Michigan
2009, Assistant Professor, Mathematics, Marshall University, Huntington, WV
Gleb Novitchkov
Thesis Adviser: Ping Xu
Thesis Title: Lie Algebroids and BV-Algebras
Degree Year: 2005
Career Bio: 2006, COE Fellow, Mathematics, Keio University, Japan
Christopher Saunders
Thesis Adviser: Augustin Banyaga
Thesis Title: Floer Homology for Almost Hamiltonian Isotopies
Degree Year: 2005
Career Bio: 2005, Assistant Professor, Mathematics, Westminster College, Fulton MO
Associate Professor, Oakton Community College
Yulia Tyurina
Thesis Adviser: Sergei Tabachnikov
Thesis Title: Skew Embeddings and Immersions of Manifolds into Euclidean Spaces in Codimension Two
Degree Year: 2005
Career Bio: 2006, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Xiaoqiang Wang
Thesis Adviser: Qiang Du
Thesis Title: Phase Field Models and Simulations of Vesicle Bio-Membranes
Degree Year: 2005
Career Bio: 2005, Postdoc, Institute for Mathematics and Applications, University of Minnesota
2006 onward, Assistant Professor, School of Computational Science, Florida State University
Danijela Damjanovic
Thesis Adviser: Anatole Katok
Thesis Title: Local Rigidity of Partially Hyperbolic Higher Rank Actions on the Torus
Degree Year: 2004
Career Bio: 2004, EPDI Fellowship, IHES, Paris, France
2006, Benjamin Pierce Instructor, Mathematics, Harvard University, Massachusetts
2009-14, Assistant Professor, Rice University,
2014-15, Associate Professor, Rice university
2015-, Associate Professor, KTH, Sweden
Dmitry Gerenrot
Thesis Adviser: Nigel Higson
Thesis Title: Residue Formulation of Chern Character on Smooth Manifolds
Degree Year: 2004
Career Bio: 2004, VIGRE Postdoc, Mathematics, Georgia Institute of Technology
Svetlana Krat
Thesis Adviser: Dmitri Burago
Thesis Title: Approximation Problems in Length Geometry
Degree Year: 2004
Career Bio: 2005, Postdoc in Mathematics, Georgia Institute of Technology
Thesis Adviser: Jinchao Xu
Thesis Title: Modelling and Simulations of non-Newtonian Fluid Flows
Degree Year: 2004
Career Bio: 2004, Adjunct Assistant Professor, University of California at Los Angeles
2007, Tenure-track Assistant Professor, Rutgers University
Jeffrey Raven
Thesis Adviser: Paul F. Baum
Thesis Title: An Equivariant Bivariant Chern Character
Degree Year: 2004
Career Bio: 2005-07, Assistant Professor, Mathematics, Vanderbilt University, Tennessee
2007-10, Staff Actuary, American General Life and Accident
2010-14, Assistant Actuary, Liberty Life Assurance Company of Boston
2014-, Assistant Actuary, Liberty Mutual Insurance
Thesis Adviser: Dmitri Burago
Thesis Title: Several Results Concerning Low-Dimensional Length Spaces
Degree Year: 2004
Career Bio: 2004-10, Assistant Professor, Longwood University, Virginia
2010-, Associate professor, Department Chair, Longwood University, Virginia
Thesis Adviser: Andrew Belmonte
Thesis Title: Experiments and Modeling in Viscoelastic Fluids: Dimpled Drops and Beaded Filaments
Degree Year: 2004
Career Bio: 2004, Visiting Assistant Professor, Mathematics, University of Delaware
2006, Visiting Assistant Professor, Mathematics & Computer Science,
Monmouth College, Illinois
Anna Talitskaya
Thesis Adviser: Yakov Pesin
Thesis Title: Partially Hyperbolic Phenomena in Dynamical Systems with Discrete and Continuous Time
Degree Year: 2004
Career Bio: 2004, Boas Assistant Professor, Northwestern University, Illinois
Thesis Adviser: Svetlana Katok and Anatole Katok
Thesis Title: Symbolic Dynamics for Geodesic Flows, Hyperbolic Measures, and Periodic Orbits
Degree Year: 2004
Career Bio: 2004, G. C. Evans Instructor, Mathematics, Rice University, Texas
2006, Assistant Professor, Mathematics, DePaul University, Illinois
2011, Associate Professor, Mathematics, DePaul University, Illinois
Thesis Adviser: Stephen G. Simpson
Thesis Title: The Medvedev and Muchnik Lattices of Pi01 Classes
Degree Year: 2003
Career Bio: 2003-2004, Instructor at Penn State University
2004-2007, Assistant Professor, University of Connecticut
2007, Assistant Professor, King Fahd University of Petroleum and
Minerals, in Dharan, Saudi Arabia.
Ben Chacon
Thesis Adviser: John Roe
Thesis Title: Undecidability of the Problem of Distinguishing K-theory Classes of the Reduced Group C*-Algebra for a Finitely Presented Group
Degree Year: 2003
Career Bio: 2004, Assistant Professor, Universidad de Costa Rica
Thesis Adviser: Sergei Tabachnikov
Thesis Title: Polygonal Outer Billiards in the Hyperbolic Plane
Degree Year: 2003
Career Bio: 2004, Assistant Professor, Grand Valley State University, Michigan
Thesis Adviser: Robert Vaughan
Thesis Title: On a Variance Arising in the Gauss Circle Problem
Degree Year: 2002
Career Bio: Assistant Professor, Mathematics, Illinois Wesleyan University
Alexander Dryakhlov
Thesis Adviser: Arkady Tempelman
Thesis Title: On Hausdorff Dimension of Random Fractals
Degree Year: 2002
Roland Gunesch
Thesis Adviser: Anatole Katok
Thesis Title: Precise Asymptotics for Periodic Orbits of the Geodesic Flow in Nonpositive Curvature
Degree Year: 2002
Career Bio: 2004, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Leipzig, Germany
2005, Junior Professor, Mathematics, University of Hamburg, Germany
2015, Professor, Pädagogische Hochschule Vorarlberg, Feldkirch, Germany
Eli Hawkins
Thesis Adviser: Nigel Higson
Thesis Title: Quantization of Multiply Connected Manifolds
Degree Year: 2002
Career Bio: 1999 Physics Ph. D., 2002 Mathematics Ph. D.
2001-2004, Postdoctoral Associate, Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati, Trieste
2004, Leverhulme Fellow, University of Nottingham, U. K.
2004-2005, Postdoc, University of Western Ontario, Canada
2005 onward, Marie Curie Fellow, Radboud University, Netherlands
Hee-Jung Kim
Thesis Adviser: Augustin Banyaga
Thesis Title: Almost Complex Structures Arising in Contact Geometry
Degree Year: 2002
Career Bio: 2002, Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Toledo, Ohio
2006, Visiting Assistant Professor, Bowling Green State University, Ohio
Vladimir Lemin
Thesis Adviser: Anatole Katok
Thesis Title: Some Properties of Ultrametric Spaces and their Relations to Category Theory and Computer Science
Degree Year: 2002
Thesis Adviser: Wen-Ching Winnie Li
Thesis Title: Modularity of Elliptic Surfaces
Degree Year: 2002
Career Bio: 2002, Postdoc, Institute for Advanced Study, New Jersey
2003 onward, Tenure-track Assistant Professor, Iowa State University
Thesis Adviser: Grzegorz Swiatek
Thesis Title: Geometry of the Julia Set for Some Maps with Invariant Circles
Degree Year: 2002
Career Bio: 2002, Tenure-track Assistant Professor, Wheeling Jesuit University, West Virginia
2006, Assistant Professor, Mathematics, Juniata College
2012-, Associate professor, Mathematics, Juniata College
Alistair Windsor
Thesis Adviser: Anatole Katok
Thesis Title: Liouville Phenomena in Smooth Ergodic Theory
Degree Year: 2002
Career Bio: 2002, Research Associate, University of Manchester, England
2006, Instructor, University of Texas
2007, Assistant Professor, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN
Thesis Adviser: John Roe
Thesis Title: C0 Coarse Geometry
Degree Year: 2002
Career Bio: 2002, Visiting Assistant Professor, Vanderbilt University, Tennessee
2004, Lecturer, University of Southampton, UK
Thesis Adviser: Nigel Higson
Thesis Title: A New Approach to Bivariant K-Theory
Degree Year: 2001
Career Bio: 2001-2003, J. W. Young Research Instructor, Dartmouth College, New Hampshire
2004 onward, Lecturer, Mathematics, University of Arizona
Heath Emerson
Thesis Adviser: Nigel Higson
Thesis Title: An Example of Non-commutative Poincare Duality Arising from Hyperbolic Dynamics
Degree Year: 2001
Career Bio: 2002-2004, Visiting Research Associate, IUPUI, Indiana
2004-2006, Postdoc, Mathematics, University of Muenster, Germany
2006 onward, Assistant Professor (tenure track), University of Victoria, Canada
Thesis Adviser: Andrew Belmonte
Thesis Title: On the Motion of Newtonian and Non-Newtonian Liquid Filaments: Stretching, Beading, Blistering, Pinching
Degree Year: 2001
Career Bio: 2002, NSF VIGRE Postdoctoral Fellow, Mathematics, Duke University
2004, Assistant Professor, Mathematics, Bucknell University, Pennsylvania
Bin Zhang
Thesis Adviser: Jean-Luc Brylinski
Thesis Title: Equivariant Theories and Algebraic Varieties
Degree Year: 2001
Career Bio: 2002, Simmons Instructor, SUNY at Stony Brook, New York
Thesis Adviser: Douglas N. Arnold
Thesis Title: A Linear Shell Theory Based on Variational Principles
Degree Year: 2001
Career Bio: 2002, Tenure-track Assistant Professor, Wayne State University, Michigan
Thesis Adviser: Adrian Ocneanu
Thesis Title: The Spindle Algebra of the Exotic Subfactor and the Asymptotic System
Degree Year: 2000
Career Bio: 2001, Douglas Lectureship, University of Maryland
Assistant Professor, University of California at Riverside
Boris Kalinin
Thesis Adviser: Anatole Katok
Thesis Title: Rigidity of Invariant Measures and Joinings for Higher-Rank Abelian Actions
Degree Year: 2000
Career Bio: 2001, Assistant Professor, Mathematics, University of Michigan
2006, Assistant Professor, Mathematics, University of South Alabama
2007, Associate Professor, Mathematics, University of South Alabama
2012, Associate Professor, Mathematics, Penn State University
Jeremy Lovejoy
Thesis Adviser: George E. Andrews
Thesis Title: Arithmetic and Combinatorial Properites of Partition Functions
Degree Year: 2000
Career Bio: 2001, VIGRE Van Vleck Assistant Professor, Mathematics, University of Wisconsin
2004, Bordeaux, France
2006, CR2, CNRS, LIAFA Universit Paris VII
Thesis Adviser: Wen-Ching Winnie Li
Thesis Title: Algebraic Function Fields with Asymptotically Many Rational Places and Improvements of the Gilbert-Varshamov Bound
Degree Year: 2000
Career Bio: 2000, Postdoc, Austrian Academy of Sciences
2002 onward, Tenure-track Assistant Professor, Clemson University, South Carolina
Victoria Sadovskaya
Thesis Adviser: Yakov Pesin
Thesis Title: Dimensional Properties of Dynamical Systems with Discrete and Continuous Time
Degree Year: 2000
Career Bio: 2001, Assistant Professor, Mathematics, University of Michigan
2006, Assistant Professor, Mathematics, University of South Alabama
2007, Associate Professor, Mathematics, University of South Alabama
2012, Associate Professor, Mathematics, Penn State University
Alexander Ulyanov
Thesis Adviser: Jean-Luc Brylinski
Thesis Title: Polydiagonal Compactification of Configuration Spaces
Degree Year: 2000
Career Bio: 2001, Lecturer, Mathematics, University of Pennsylvania
Thesis Adviser: Svetlana Katok
Thesis Title: Automorphic Forms on Complex Hyperbolic Spaces
Degree Year: 1999
Career Bio: 1999, Visiting Assistant Professor, Northwestern University, Illinois
1999-2000 - University of Arizona, Visiting Assistant Professor
2000-2004, University of Michigan, Assistant Professor
2004, Assistant Professor, Mathematics, University of Western Ontario
2010, Associate Professor, Mathematics, University of Western Ontario
Serge Ferleger
Thesis Adviser: Anatole Katok
Thesis Title: Alexandrov Geometry and Dynamics of Semi-Dispersing
Degree Year: 1999
Career Bio: Billiards on Riemannian Manifolds
2000, Simons Instructor, SUNY at Stony Brook, New York
2003, Renaissance Technologies, East Setauket, New York
Thesis Adviser: Jean-Luc Brylinski
Thesis Title: Representations of Fundamental Groups of Open Kaehler Manifolds
Degree Year: 1999
Career Bio: 1998-1999, Ralph Boas Assistant Professor, Northwestern University, Illinois
1999, Tenure-track Assistant Professor, University of Arizona
2005-2010, Associate Professor, University of Arizona;
2011- Professor at Champlain College Quebec, Quebec, Canada
Thesis Adviser: Nigel Higson
Thesis Title: Hecke C*-Algebras
Degree Year: 1999
Career Bio: Associate Professor (with tenure), St. Joseph's University, Pennsylvania
Thesis Adviser: C. Eugene Wayne
Thesis Title: Synchronization of Chaotic Systems
Degree Year: 1999
Career Bio: 2000, Boston University, Massachusetts
2002, Assistant Professor, Mathematics, University of Houston, Texas
2007, Associate Professor, Mathematics, University of Houston, Texas
Hwanho Kim
Thesis Adviser: Jinchao Xu
Thesis Title: Some New Multigrid Methods for Convection Diffusion Problems
Degree Year: 1999
Career Bio: 2000, Postdoc, Penn State University
Jianqun Lu
Thesis Adviser: Jinchao Xu
Thesis Title: On the Stability of Numerical Solution for Water-Wave Equations
Degree Year: 1999
Thesis Adviser: Douglas N. Arnold
Thesis Title: Asymptotics and Hierarchical Modeling of Thin Domains
Degree Year: 1999
Career Bio: 2000, Postdoc, LNCC, Brazil
Mauricio Mata
Thesis Adviser: Boris Tsygan
Thesis Title: Homotopically Associative Structures on Hochschild and Cyclic Complexes
Degree Year: 1999
Career Bio: 1999, Nationwide Insurance, Actuary
Alexander Mezhirov
Thesis Adviser: Anatole Katok
Thesis Title: Expanding Periodic Points of One-Dimensional Maps and Boundary Behavior of Arbitrary Mappings
Degree Year: 1999
Career Bio: 2000, Member of Technical Staff, Lincoln Labs, MIT, Massachusetts
Quan Shen
Thesis Adviser: M. Carme Calderer
Thesis Title: Mathematical Analysis of Composite System of Liquid Crystal and Polymer
Degree Year: 1999
Career Bio: 1999, Research Assistant Professor, Purdue University, Indiana
Thesis Adviser: Edward Formanek
Thesis Title: On the Irreducible Representations of Braid Groups
Degree Year: 1999
Career Bio: 2006, Visiting Assistant Professor, Mathematics, Penn State
2007, University of Pittsburgh
Thesis Adviser: Ken Ono
Thesis Title: On the Combinatorial and Number Theoretic Properties of (r, e)-Core
Degree Year: 1999
Career Bio: 1999, Tenure-track Assistant Professor, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, California
Thesis Adviser: Boris Tsygan
Thesis Title: Operadic Proof of M. Kontsevich's Formality Theorem
Degree Year: 1999
Career Bio: 2000, Benjamin Pierce Assistant Professor, Harvard University, Massachusetts
2002, Assistant Professor, Mathematics, Northwestern University
2007, Associate Professor, Mathematics, Northwestern University
Sergey Yaskolko
Thesis Adviser: Anatole Katok
Thesis Title: Rigidity of Lattice Actions on Boundaries, Coincidence of Various Dimensions Assocated with Metrics and Measures
Degree Year: 1999
Career Bio: 2000, Member of Technical Staff, IBM Transarc Lab, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Jinghong Chen
Thesis Adviser: John Lopez
Thesis Title: Hydrodynamic Coupling Between a Viscoelastic Gas/Liquid Interface and a Swirling Vortex Flow
Degree Year: 1998
Career Bio: 1997, COMSAT Laboratories, Technical Staff
Thesis Adviser: Anatole Katok
Thesis Title: Normal Forms of Extensions
Degree Year: 1998
Career Bio: 1998-2001 Postdoc, Tufts University
2002- Teaching Professor, Pennsylvania State University
Education: Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State University, 1998
Research Interests: Dynamical Systems
Garth Payne
Thesis Adviser: George E. Andrews
Thesis Title: Multivariate Hypergeometric Terms
Degree Year: 1998
Career Bio: 1997, self-employed
Feng Wang
Thesis Adviser: Jinchao Xu
Thesis Title: Efficient Block Iterative Methods for Convection-Dominated Problems and Multigrid for Long-Thin Elements
Degree Year: 1998
Career Bio: 1997, University of California, Irvine, Visiting Assistant Professor
Greg Bloy
Thesis Adviser: Leonid Vaserstein
Thesis Title: Waring's Problem for Forms over Fields of Nonzero Characteristic
Degree Year: 1997
Career Bio: 2000, The Harbachow Companies, Financial Analyst
2006, Aerospace Research Center, Washington DC
A. James Humphreys
Thesis Adviser: Stephen G. Simpson
Thesis Title: On the Necessary Use of Strong Set Existence Axioms in Analysis and Functional Analysis
Degree Year: 1997
Career Bio: 2005, Adjunct Professor, Seattle University, Washington
Alexey Kononenko
Thesis Adviser: Anatole Katok
Thesis Title: Duality Method for Cohomologies of Dynamical Systems: Differential and Cohomological Rigidity of Lattice Actions
Degree Year: 1997
Career Bio: 1997, Lecturer, University of Pennsylvania
2006, Renaissance Technologies, New York
Woo Lee
Thesis Adviser: Edward Formanek
Thesis Title: Representations of the Braid Group B4
Degree Year: 1997
Career Bio: 1997, Seoul National University, South Korea, Research Associate
2002, Kwangju University, South Korea, Assistant Professor
Liviu Suciu
Thesis Adviser: Adrian Ocneanu
Thesis Title: The SU(3) Wire Model
Degree Year: 1997
Career Bio: 1997, D. E. Shaw Company, New York, Quantitative Associate
Mohammad Abdulrahim
Thesis Adviser: Edward Formanek
Thesis Title: The Gassner Representation of the Pure Braid Group
Degree Year: 1996
Career Bio: 1996, Instructor, Mathematics, Penn State Altoona
2002, Beirut Arab University, Lebanon, Assistant Professor
Thesis Adviser: Yakov Pesin
Thesis Title: A Non-Additive Thermodynamic Formalism and Applications to Dimension Theory of Hyperbolic Dynamical Systems
Degree Year: 1996
Career Bio: Professor, Mathematics, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon, Portugal
Alexander Borisov
Thesis Adviser: Yuri Zarhin
Thesis Title: Boundedness Problems for Fano Varieties with Singularities
Degree Year: 1996
Career Bio: 1996, University of Georgia, Assistant Professor
1997, Penn State University, Instructor
1999, Visiting Assistant Professor, Washington University of St. Louis, Missouri
2000-2005, Visiting Assistant Professor, Mathematics, Penn State
2006, Tenure-track Assistant Professor, Mathematics, University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Mihai Caragiu
Thesis Adviser: Leonid Vaserstein
Thesis Title: Patterns, Codes and Quasi-Randomness
Degree Year: 1996
Career Bio: Associate Professor, Mathematics, Ohio Northern University
Thesis Adviser: Nigel Higson
Thesis Title: The von Neumann Algebras Associated to Various Geometric Structures
Degree Year: 1996
Career Bio: Associate Professor (with tenure), Grand Valley State University, Michigan
Arup Mukherjee
Thesis Adviser: Douglas N. Arnold
Thesis Title: An Adaptive Finite Element Code for Elliptic Boundary Value Problems in Three Dimensions with Applications in Numerical Relativity
Degree Year: 1996
Career Bio: 1996, Three-year Assistant Professor, Rutgers University, New Jersey
1999 - current, Montclair State University, Assistant Professor
Thesis Adviser: M. Carme Calderer
Thesis Title: Flow Phenomena of Nematic Liquid Crystals
Degree Year: 1996
Career Bio: 1996, Penn State Worthington-Scranton, Assistant Professor, currently Associate Professor
Asya Semenovich
Thesis Adviser: Leonid Vaserstein
Thesis Title: Particle Systems and Generalized Billiards
Degree Year: 1996
Career Bio: 1996, Micro Strategy, Inc., Associate Consultant
Amin Tanumihardjo
Thesis Adviser: Donald James
Thesis Title: Primitive Representations of Hermitian Forms
Degree Year: 1996
Career Bio: 1996-98, Penn State, Instructor
1998-99, Secretary of Department, Informatics, Pelita University, Indonesia
2002, Assistant Professot, Department of Basic Sciences, Philadelphia University, Jordan
Ethel Wheland
Thesis Adviser: Leonid Vaserstein
Thesis Title: Matrix Factorization
Degree Year: 1996
Career Bio: Tenured Associate Professor, Mathematics, University of Akron, Ohio
Qijing Yue
Thesis Adviser: Simon Tavener
Thesis Title: The Motion of a Rod in a Rotating Stokes Flow
Degree Year: 1996
Career Bio: 1996, Electronic Digital Systems, Engineer
Thesis Adviser: Leonid Vaserstein
Thesis Title: New Modeling Principles for Games and Social Dilemma Example
Degree Year: 1995
Career Bio: 1995 onward, Applied Research Laboratory, Penn State, Research Associate
Changyi Chen
Thesis Adviser: Douglas N. Arnold
Thesis Title: Asymptotic Convergence Rates for the Kirchoff Plate Model
Degree Year: 1995
Career Bio: 1996, Systems Engineer, (Bellcore) Lucent Technologies, New Jersey
Thesis Adviser: Nigel Higson
Thesis Title: Relative e-Theory Quantization and Index Theory
Degree Year: 1995
Career Bio: 1995, Assistant Professor, Purdue University, Indiana
1996, John Wesley Young Research Instructor, Dartmouth College, New Hampshire
Associate Professor (with tenure), University of Hawaii
Hein Hundal
Thesis Adviser: Frank Deutsch
Thesis Title: Generalizations of Dykstra's Algorithm
Degree Year: 1995
Career Bio: 1995, HRB Systems, Senior Mathematician
1996 onward, Core Capital Management
Yi Li
Thesis Adviser: Jerry Bona
Thesis Title: Uniqueness and Analyticity of Solitary Waves
Degree Year: 1995
Career Bio: 1995, University of Minnesota, Postdoc
Laihan Luo
Thesis Adviser: Jerry Bona
Thesis Title: Initial- and Boundary-Value Problems for some Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations
Degree Year: 1995
Career Bio: 1995, Loughborough University of Technology, England, Research Associate
Jiang Miaohua
Thesis Adviser: Yakov Pesin
Thesis Title: Ergodic Properties of Coupled Map Lattices of Hyperbolic Type
Degree Year: 1995
Career Bio: 1996, Georgia Institute of Technology, Postdoc
1997, University of Minnesota, Postdoc
1998, Assistant Professor, Mathematics, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC
2004, Associate Professor, Mathematics, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC
Thesis Adviser: Anatole Katok
Thesis Title: Rigidity of Partially Hyperbolic Actions
Degree Year: 1995
Career Bio: 1995, Indiana University, Visiting Professor
1997, Penn State, Instructor
1998, Notre Dame University, Visiting Assistant Professor
2005, Associate Professor, Mathematics, West Chester University
Thesis Adviser: Adrian Ocneanu
Thesis Title: Discrete Regular Subalgebras of Semifinite von Neumann Algebras
Degree Year: 1995
Career Bio: 2000 onward, Professor, Mathematics, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil
Hwai-Ling Shan
Thesis Adviser: W. Dale Brownawell
Thesis Title: Denominators in Hilbert's Nullstellensatz
Degree Year: 1995
Thesis Title: Cohomology of Dynamical Systems
Degree Year: 1995
Career Bio: 1995-1999, Instructor, Mathematics, Princeton University, New Jersey
1999-2003, Assistant Professor, Mathematics, University of Houston, Texas
2003, Associate Professor, Mathematics, University of Houston, Texas
Thesis Title: Asymptotic Morphisms of C*-Algebras and Index Theory
Degree Year: 1995
Career Bio: Associate Professor, Mathematics, Dartmouth College, New Hampshire
Thesis Adviser: Thomas Jech
Thesis Title: Some Results in Set Theory and Boolean Algebras
Degree Year: 1995
Career Bio: 1995-1996, Postdoc MSRI, California
1996-1998, Bateman Instructor, Cal Tech, California
1998-2000, John Wesley Young Research Instructor, Dartmouth College, New Hampshire
2000 onward, Mathematics, University of Florida
Jun Zhong
Thesis Adviser: Frank Deutsch
Thesis Title: Approximation with Inequality Constraints
Degree Year: 1995
Career Bio: 1995, CVC International, Research Scientist
2010, Vice President at Wells Fargo Bank
Qing Chang
Thesis Adviser: Edward Formanek
Thesis Title: Automorphisms of Generic 2 x 2 Matrices
Degree Year: 1994
Career Bio: Ridgway, Pennsylvania, self-employed
Thesis Adviser: Anatole Katok
Thesis Title: Classical and Quantum Equidistribution: an (Easy) Example
Degree Year: 1994
Career Bio: Professor, Mathematics, Universita di Bologna, Italy
Sophie Frisch
Thesis Adviser: Gary Mullen
Thesis Title: Integer-Valued and Congurence-Preserving Polynomials on Krull-Rings
Degree Year: 1994
Career Bio: 1995, Technische Universitaet Graz, Austria, Assistant Professor
Kalin Godev
Thesis Adviser: M. Carme Calderer
Thesis Title: Mathematical Models of Liquid Crystals with Variable Degree of Orientation
Degree Year: 1994
Career Bio: Vice President, Wachovia Securities
Oksana Lassowsky
Thesis Adviser: Robert Hunter
Thesis Title: Semitopological Monoids on Certain One-Dimensional Continua
Degree Year: 1994
Career Bio: 1995, Albright College, Assistant Professor
1999, St. John's College
Xiaobo Liu
Thesis Adviser: Douglas N. Arnold
Thesis Title: Interior Error Estimates for some Nonconforming and Mixed Finite Element Methods
Degree Year: 1994
Career Bio: 1994-1996, Clarkson University, Assistant Professor
1996, Parametric Technology Corporation, Software Engineer
Andrew McInerney
Thesis Adviser: Augustin Banyaga
Thesis Title: On the Group of Contact Diffeomorphisms
Degree Year: 1994
Career Bio: Assistant Professor, City College, CUNY, New York
currently, Bronx Community College
Thesis Adviser: Gary Mullen
Thesis Title: Equiorthogonal Frequency Hypercubes
Degree Year: 1994
Career Bio: 2006, University of Missouri-Rolla, Associate Professor
Jinshui (Jason) Qin
Thesis Adviser: Douglas N. Arnold
Thesis Title: On the Convergence at some Low Order Mixed Finite Elements for Incompressible Fluids
Degree Year: 1994
Career Bio: 1994-1996, University of Tennessee, Tenure-track Assistant Professor
1996-2000 telecommunications industry, consultant
2000, America Online, Senior Engineer
Todd Simpson
Thesis Adviser: David Bressoud
Thesis Title: Combinatorial Proofs and Generalizations of Weyl's Denominator
Degree Year: 1994
Career Bio: 1994, HRB Singer (on contract to NSA)
Jiri Witzany
Thesis Adviser: Thomas Jech
Thesis Title: Reflection of Stationary Sets and the Mitchell Ordering of Normal Measures
Degree Year: 1994
Career Bio: 1994, University of California at Los Angeles, Mathematics, Assistant Professor
currently Komercni banka, Praha
Frank Arlinghaus
Thesis Adviser: Leonid Vaserstein
Thesis Title: Involutions in Classical Groups and Related Topics
Degree Year: 1993
Career Bio: 1992, Youngstown State University, Assistant Professor
1996-1999 Tenured Associate Professor
1998-present, U.S. Department of Defense
Janet Bouwsma
Thesis Adviser: Gerard Lallement
Thesis Title: Semigroups presented by a single relation
Degree Year: 1993
Peter Chaiyasena
Thesis Adviser: Augustin Banyaga
Thesis Title: Radar and Sonar Ambiguity Functions and Group Theory
Degree Year: 1993
Career Bio: 1993, University of Bangkok, Thailand, Assistant Professor
Alouf Jirari
Thesis Adviser: Allan Krall
Thesis Title: Second-Order Sturm-Louiville Difference Equations and Orthogonal Polynomials
Degree Year: 1993
Career Bio: 1993, Rabat and Casablanca, Morocco, Associate Professor
Jose Linares
Thesis Adviser: Gustavo Ponce
Thesis Title: On Nonlinear Dispersive Equations
Degree Year: 1993
Career Bio: 1993, Institute for Pure & Applied Mathematics, Brazil, Associate Professor
Alberto Marcone
Thesis Adviser: Stephen G. Simpson
Thesis Title: Foundations of BQO Theory and Subsystems of Second Order Arithmetic
Degree Year: 1993
Career Bio: 1992-1996, Assistant Professor, Mathematics, University of Torino, Italy
1996 onward, Associate Professor, Mathematics, University of Udine, Italy
Shubha Rajopadhye
Thesis Adviser: Jerry Bona
Thesis Title: Propagation of Bores
Degree Year: 1993
Career Bio: 1993, University of California, Santa Cruz, Visiting Assistant Professor
Thesis Adviser: Jerry Bona
Thesis Title: Three-Dimensional Model for the Formation and Evolution of Sedimentary Structures on the Continental Shelf
Degree Year: 1993
Career Bio: 1993 onward, Associate Professor, Mathematics, University of Arizona,
Chaz Schlindwein
Thesis Adviser: Thomas Jech
Thesis Title: Consistency of Suslin's Hypothesis, a Non-Special Aronszajn Tree, and GCH
Degree Year: 1993
Career Bio: 1993, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Mathematics, Visiting Assistant Professor
currently Associate Professor, Lander University, Greenwood, SC
Carlos Torre
Thesis Adviser: Augustin Banyaga
Thesis Title: On a Theorem of Kirillov
Degree Year: 1993
Career Bio: 1993, Universidad de Costa Rica
El-Hasan Youssfi
Thesis Adviser: Kyong T. Hahn
Thesis Title: Geometric Function Theory of Several Variables Operator Theory in k-Spaces and the Indefinite Moment Problem
Degree Year: 1993
Career Bio: 1993, Universite de Provence, France, Assistant Professor
Kuo-Jye Chen
Thesis Adviser: George E. Andrews
Thesis Title: An Asymptotic Formula in Partition Theory
Degree Year: 1992
Career Bio: 1992, Changhua University of Education, Taiwan, Assistant Professor
Christina Draghicescu
Thesis Adviser: L. Ridgway Scott
Thesis Title: Efficient Algorithms for Particle Methods
Degree Year: 1992
Career Bio: 1992, University of Houston, Texas
Thesis Adviser: Gerard Lallement
Thesis Title: Semigroups of Binary Relations
Degree Year: 1992
Career Bio: Professor, Mathematics, University of Mary Washington
Mitsuma Kunio
Thesis Adviser: Robert Hunter
Thesis Title: Profinite Semigroups and Related Topics
Degree Year: 1992
Career Bio: Associate Professor, Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
Sizwe Mabizela
Thesis Adviser: Frank Deutsch
Thesis Title: Parametric Approximation
Degree Year: 1992
Career Bio: 2004, Professor and Chairman of the Department of Mathematics, Rhodes University, South Africa
Thesis Adviser: Jean-Luc Brylinski
Thesis Title: Integrability of the Analogues of Conformal and Riemannian Structures on the Classical Superspaces
Degree Year: 1992
Career Bio: 1992, Michigan State University, Visiting Resident Instructor
2006, Assistant Professor, Mathematics, University of texax Pan American, Edinburg, TX
Jos Felipe Linares Ramirez
Thesis Adviser: Gustavo Ponce and Jerry Bona
Thesis Title: On Nonlinear Dispersive Equations
Degree Year: 1992
Career Bio: Professor, IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Philippe Rukimbira
Thesis Adviser: Augustin Banyaga
Thesis Title: Some Properties of Almost Contact Flows
Degree Year: 1991
Career Bio: Professor, Mathematics, Florida International University
J. Plinio O. Santos
Thesis Adviser: George Andrews
Thesis Title: Computer Algebra and Identities of the Rogers-Ramanujan Type
Degree Year: 1991
Career Bio: Depto. de Matemtica Aplicada, Universidade Estadual de Campinas
Wenzhi Sun
Thesis Adviser: Thomas Jech
Thesis Title: Stationary Cardinals
Degree Year: 1991
Career Bio: Salem College
Wun-Seng Chou
Thesis Adviser: Gary Mullen
Thesis Title: Permutation Polynomials on Finite Fields and their Combinatorial Applications
Degree Year: 1990
Career Bio: 1990, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Seon Ae Chun
Thesis Adviser: David Sibley
Thesis Title: On the Theory of Blocks with Modules
Degree Year: 1990
Career Bio: 1990, Penn State Worthington-Scranton
Carsten Hansen
Thesis Adviser: David Sibley
Thesis Title: The Jacobson Radical of Certain Group Rings
Degree Year: 1990
Career Bio: 1990, Randolph-Macon Women's College
Ajchara Harnchoowang
Thesis Adviser: Wen-Ching Winnie Li
Thesis Title: On the L-Sylow Subgroups of the Ideal Class Groups Modulo F
Degree Year: 1990
Career Bio: Professor, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
Thomasz Weiss
Thesis Adviser: Thomas Jech
Thesis Title: Martin's Axiom for sigma-Centered Partial Orders and Some Properties of Special Subsets of the Set of Real Numbers
Degree Year: 1990
Career Bio: WSRP, Siedlce, Poland
Pei-Yuan Yan
Thesis Adviser: Roger Ware
Thesis Title: Lower Bound Techniques in Parallel Computation
Degree Year: 1990
Career Bio: 1990, Lycoming College
Konstantinos Chatzikyriakou
Thesis Adviser: Stephen G. Simpson
Thesis Title: Commutative Algebra in Subsystems of Second Order Arithmetic
Degree Year: 1989
Career Bio: Lecturer, Mathematics, University of Thessaly, Greece
Matthew Coleman
Thesis Adviser: Goong Chen
Thesis Title: Approximating the Vibration Frequencies of a Homogeneous Isotropic Rectangular Thin Plate, Using a Legendre Spectral Method
Degree Year: 1989
Career Bio: 1989, Tenure-track, Mathematics, Fairfield University, Connecticut
Qi Feng
Thesis Adviser: Thomas Jech
Thesis Title: A Hierarchy of Ramsey Cardinals
Degree Year: 1989
Career Bio: Professor of Mathematics, Academia Sinica, Beijing, China, and National University of Singapore
Thesis Adviser: William Hager
Thesis Title: N-Step Quadratic Convergence in the Conjugate Gradient Method
Degree Year: 1989
Career Bio: Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Professor of Mathematics, Appalachian State University, North Carolina
Hee-Jung Lee
Thesis Adviser: William Waterhouse
Thesis Title: Maximal Orders in Non-Associative Quaternion Algebras
Degree Year: 1989
Career Bio: 1990, Ehwa Women's University, South Korea
2006 onward, Matheamatics, Kangnam University, Yong-In, South Korea
Serge Parmentier
Thesis Adviser: Luen-Chau Li
Thesis Title: Nonlinear Poisson Structures and r-Matrices in the Theory of Classical Integrable Systems
Degree Year: 1989
Career Bio: 1990-1993, Postdoc, Max-Planck-Institut fur Mathematik, Bonn, Germany
1993 onward, Maitre de Conferences, Universite Claude Bernard, Lyon I, France
Carl Rupert
Thesis Adviser: Gerard Lallement
Thesis Title: Certain Rational Sets in Formal Language Theory
Degree Year: 1989
Mutsumi Saito
Thesis Adviser: Jean-Luc Brylinski
Thesis Title: A Localization Theorem for D-Modules
Degree Year: 1989
Career Bio: 1989, Mathematics, Tohoku University, Japan
Gunnar Stefansson
Thesis Adviser: Robert Huff
Thesis Title: Pettis Integrability of Vector-Valued Functions
Degree Year: 1989
Stephan Suchower
Thesis Adviser: Gary Mullen
Thesis Title: Subfield Permutation Polynomials in Finite Fields and Combinatorial Applications
Degree Year: 1989
Career Bio: 1989, Wagner Associates
Thesis Adviser: L. Ridgway Scott
Thesis Title: Multi-Level Iterative Techniques
Degree Year: 1989
Career Bio: Associate Professor, Mathematics, University of Delaware
Joseph Conrad
Thesis Adviser: Richard Herman
Thesis Title: On Antiautomorphisms of Uniformly Hyperfinite C*-algebras
Degree Year: 1988
Career Bio: 1988, Instructor, Mathematics, Penn State Altoona
Daniel Davenport
Thesis Adviser: Gerard Lallement
Thesis Title: Varieties of Power Commutative Semigroups and their Rational Languages
Degree Year: 1988
Career Bio: 1998, Applied Research Laboratory, Penn State
Thesis Adviser: Stephen G. Simpson
Thesis Title: Polynomial Time Computable Arithmetic and Conservative Extensions
Degree Year: 1988
Career Bio: Professor, Mathematics, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Thesis Adviser: Stephen G. Simpson
Thesis Title: Combinatorics in Subsystems of Second Order Arithmetic
Degree Year: 1988
Career Bio: Professor, Mathematics, Appalachian State University, North Carolina
Phan Hung Loi
Thesis Adviser: Richard Herman
Thesis Title: On the Theory of Index and Type III Factors
Degree Year: 1988
Sung Ho Park
Thesis Adviser: Frank Deutsch
Thesis Title: Lipschitz Continuous Metric Projections and Selections
Degree Year: 1988
Faraj Shieban
Thesis Adviser: Gerard Lallement
Thesis Title: Categories and Semigroupoids
Degree Year: 1988
Scott Stevens
Thesis Adviser: George E. Andrews
Thesis Title: Group-Action Graphs and Ramsey Graph Theory: Investigating the Ramsey Numbers R(K 1, n, K k, m) and R(K 1, n B k, m)
Degree Year: 1988
Career Bio: 1988, IDS Department, James Madison University, Virginia
Khalid Syed
Thesis Adviser: David Sibley
Thesis Title: M-static Modules
Degree Year: 1988
Han-Kun Wang
Thesis Adviser: Goong Chen
Thesis Title: Study of Stabilization and Energy Dissipation for Second Order Vibrating Systems
Degree Year: 1988
Career Bio: 1988, Assistant Professor, Mathematics, Wichita State University, Kansas
Connie Yu
Thesis Adviser: Stephen G. Simpson
Thesis Title: Measure Theory in Weak Subsystems of Second Order Arithmetic
Degree Year: 1988
Career Bio: Professor, Computer Science, New Jersey City University
Douglas K. Brown
Thesis Adviser: Stephen G. Simpson
Thesis Title: Functional Analysis in Weak Subsystems of Second Order Arithmetic
Degree Year: 1987
Career Bio: 1985-2004, Professor, Mathematics, Penn State Altoona
2004 onward, Professor, Mathematics, Livingstone College, North Carolina
Daniel E. Otero
Thesis Adviser: Leonid Vaserstein
Thesis Title: Extraction of mth Roots in Matrix Rings over Fields
Degree Year: 1987
Career Bio: 1986, Assistant Professor, Mathematics, Syracuse University, New York
Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio
Thesis Adviser: Wen-Ching Winnie Li
Thesis Title: On Sylow 2-Subgroups of Class Groups of Quadratic and Biquadratic Fields
Degree Year: 1987
Career Bio: Professor, Mathematics, Lock Haven University, Pennsylvania
Jian-Xin Zhou
Thesis Adviser: Goong Chen
Degree Year: 1987
Career Bio: Professor, Mathematics, Texas A&M
Francis G. Garvan
Thesis Adviser: George E. Andrews
Thesis Title: Generalizations of Dyson's Rank
Degree Year: 1986
Career Bio: Mathematics, University of Florida
Todd Schneider
Thesis Adviser: Richard Mansfield
Thesis Title: On Vaught's Conjecture and Theories of Order
Degree Year: 1986
Thesis Adviser: Steven Krantz
Thesis Title: Some Consequences of the Boundary Behavior of the Caratheodory and Kobayashi Metrics and Applications to Normal Holomorphic Functions
Degree Year: 1985
Career Bio: Associate Professor, Florida International University, Miami, FL
Carlos S. Alves
Thesis Adviser: Thomas Jech
Thesis Title: Partitions of Finite Substructures
Degree Year: 1985
Jiin-Chu Chen
Thesis Adviser: Wen-Ching Winnie Li
Thesis Title: On a Conjecture of Lovasz
Degree Year: 1985
Career Bio: General Motors
Michael Dutko
Thesis Adviser: Leonid Vaserstein
Thesis Title: Limit Theorems for Infinite Urn Models in Probability Theory
Degree Year: 1985
Career Bio: 1992 onward, tenured, University of Scranton
2003, died
Louis W. Kolitsch
Thesis Adviser: George Andrews
Thesis Title: Some Analytic and Arithemtic Properties of Generalized Frobenius Partitions
Degree Year: 1985
Career Bio: Professor, Mathematics, University of Tennessee at Martin
Stephen H. Brackin
Thesis Adviser: Stephen G. Simpson
Thesis Title: On Ramsey-type Theorems and their Provability in Weak Formal Systems
Degree Year: 1984
Career Bio: Consultant in formal methods, secure communication, etc.
Mark Stephen Legrand
Thesis Adviser: Stephen G. Simpson
Thesis Title: Coanalytic Sets in the Absence of Analytic Determinacy
Degree Year: 1984
Career Bio: 1987, Assistant Professor, Mathematics, Auburn University, Alabama
Clifford Reiter
Thesis Adviser: Wen-Ching Winnie Li
Thesis Title: Large Fundamental Units and the Monomial Norm Equation
Degree Year: 1984
Career Bio: Professor, Lafayette College, Pennsylvania
Thesis Adviser: T. D. Parsons
Thesis Title: Graph Theory
Degree Year: 1983
Career Bio: Associate Professor, Mathematical Sciences Department
King Fahd University of Petroleum and minerals
Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia
Thesis Adviser: Robert E. Huff
Thesis Title: Duals of Separable Banach Spaces
Degree Year: 1983
Career Bio: Associate Professor, University of North Texas
Thesis Adviser: Gerard Lallement
Thesis Title: Initial Segment Preserving Functions and Applications to Wreath Product Coverings Involving Syntatic Transformation Monoids
Degree Year: 1983
Career Bio: Associate Professor, Mathematics, St. John's University
Collegeville, MN
Thesis Adviser: Grard Lallement
Thesis Title: Some Algorithms Related to the Star Operation Applied to Finite and Rational Languages
Degree Year: 1982
Career Bio: Centro de Matemtica,
Departamento de Matemtica Pura,
Professor, Faculdade de Cincias,
Universidade do Porto, Portugal
Peter Pappas
Thesis Adviser: Stephen G. Simpson
Thesis Title: The Model Theoretic Structure of Group Rings
Degree Year: 1982
Career Bio: Professor, Mathematics, Vassar College, New York
Ricardo Estrada
Ph.D. Graduate
Thesis Adviser: Ram P. Kanwal
Thesis Title: Essays in the Theory and Applications of Generalized Functions
Degree Year: 1981
Career Bio: Escuela de Matemática, Universidad de Costa Rica, Catedrático, until 2002; Department of Mathematics, Louisiana State University, Professor, from 2002.
Patrick Halpin
Thesis Adviser: Edward Formanek
Thesis Title: Polynomial Identities and Weak Identities of Matrices
Degree Year: 1981
Career Bio: Professor and Chair, Mathematics, SUNY, Oswego
Thesis Adviser: Allan Krall
Thesis Title: Nonclassical Orthogonal Polynomials and Differential Equations
Degree Year: 1981
Career Bio: Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Utah State University
Blair K. Spearman
Thesis Adviser: William Waterhouse
Thesis Title: On the Four Part of the Class Group of Quadratic Fields
Degree Year: 1981
Career Bio: Professor, Mathematics, University of British Columbia Okanagan, Canada
Thesis Adviser: Dale Brownawell
Thesis Title: An Elliptic Analogue of the Gelfond-Feldman Measure of Algebraic Independence
Degree Year: 1981
Career Bio: Associate Professor, Mathematics, University of Colorado, Boulder
Thesis Adviser: George Andrews
Thesis Title: Developments in the Theory of Partitions
Degree Year: 1980
Career Bio: Senior Lecturer, School of Mathematics, University of New South Wales
Rick L. Smith
Thesis Adviser: Stephen G. Simpson
Thesis Title: Theory of Profinite Groups with Effective Presentations
Degree Year: 1980
Career Bio: Associate Professor, Mathematics, University of Florida
Thesis Adviser: Stephen G. Simpson
Thesis Title: Kleene Recursion over the Continuum
Degree Year: 1980
Career Bio: Professor, Mathematics, Western Illinois University
Thesis Adviser: George Andrews
Thesis Title: Generalizations of Basic Hypergeometric Series
Degree Year: 1979
Career Bio: Professor, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
Robert Mignone
Thesis Adviser: Thomas Jech
Thesis Title: Ultrafilters Resulting from the Axiom of Determinatene
Degree Year: 1979
Career Bio: Professor and Chair, College of Charleston, SC
James Gerald Huard
Thesis Adviser: Sarvadaman D. S. Chowla
Thesis Title: Index Forms and Power Bases for Cyclic Cubic Fields
Degree Year: 1978
Thesis Adviser: Raymond Ayoub
Thesis Title: Some Asymptotic Formulas in Group Theory
Degree Year: 1977
Career Bio: Professor of Mathematics, West Virginia University
Robert Douglas Morton
Thesis Adviser: Allan Krall
Thesis Title: Polynomials Orthogonal with Respect to a Weight Distribution
Degree Year: 1976
Margaret James Morton
Thesis Adviser: Raymond Ayoub
Thesis Title: On Quaternion Polynomial Rings
Degree Year: 1975
James J. Reynolds
Thesis Adviser: Christine Ayoub
Thesis Title: Semisimplicity and Primitivity in Group Rings
Degree Year: 1975
Jim Wilson
Thesis Adviser: Ram Kanwal
Thesis Title: A Model of the Relativistic Dirac Electron
Degree Year: 1974
Career Bio: Jove Sciences Inc.
The AquaQuIPS Data Fusion Group
Thesis Adviser: Harlan Stevens
Thesis Title: A General Totient Function
Degree Year: 1973
Career Bio: 1973-1998, Vice President, Wagner Associates
1999 - present, Instructor, Mathematics, West Valley College, CA
Kathleen Joan Kemp
Thesis Adviser: Donald James
Thesis Title: The Action of the Orthogonal Group on Totally Isotropic Sublattices of a Unimodular Quadratic Lattice
Degree Year: 1973
John Benjamin Friedlander
Thesis Adviser: Sarvadaman D. S. Chowla
Thesis Title: The Distribution of Power Residues in Algebraic Number Fields
Degree Year: 1972
Career Bio: 1974-1976, Lecturer, MIT
1977, University Professor, Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, University of Toronto at Scarborough
Judith Querida Longyear
Thesis Adviser: Sarvadaman D. S. Chowla
Thesis Title: Tactical Configurations
Degree Year: 1972
Paul G. Hartung
Thesis Adviser: Sarvadaman D. S. Chowla
Thesis Title: Topics in Quadratic Forms
Degree Year: 1971
Dale Ziegler Kilhefner
Thesis Adviser: Donald James
Thesis Title: Integral Extensions of Isometries of Unimodular Hermitian Forms
Degree Year: 1971
Gerald A Bottorff
Thesis Adviser: Sarvadaman D. S. Chowla
Thesis Title: On Quaternary Quadratic Forms
Degree Year: 1970
Frank Chimentu
Thesis Adviser: Stanislaw Mrowka
Thesis Title: A Study of Convergence in the Power Set
Degree Year: 1970
Kandiah Thanigasalam
Thesis Adviser: Sarvadaman D. S. Chowla
Thesis Title: Some Results in the Additive Theory of Numbers
Degree Year: 1970
John Stanley Wasileski
Thesis Adviser: Orrin Frink, Jr.
Thesis Title: Compactifications
Degree Year: 1970
Career Bio: Associate Vice President for Information Technology, University of Memphis (retired)
Charles F. Fennemore
Thesis Adviser: Mario Petrich
Thesis Title: All Varieties of Bands
Degree Year: 1969
Stephen I. Gendler
Thesis Adviser: Sarvadaman D. S. Chowla
Thesis Title: On Hecke L-Series and Some Lattice Point Problems
Degree Year: 1969
Taeboo Kim
Thesis Adviser: Allan Krall
Thesis Title: Investigation of a Differential-Boundary Operator of the Second Order with an Integral Boundary Condition on a Semi-Axis
Degree Year: 1969
Franklin Calvin Kost
Thesis Adviser: Orrin Frink
Thesis Title: On Compactifications of Wallman Type
Degree Year: 1969
William George McArthur
Thesis Adviser: Orrin Frink
Thesis Title: The Hewitt Realcompactification of a Product of Two Spaces
Degree Year: 1969
Craig Robert Platt
Thesis Adviser: George Grtzer
Thesis Title: Iterated Limits of Universal Algebras
Degree Year: 1969
Robert M. Vancko
Thesis Adviser: George Grtzer
Degree Year: 1969
Thesis Adviser: Nathan Fine
Thesis Title: Automorphisms of Formal Puiseux Series
Degree Year: 1969
Career Bio: Professor, Washington State University
Morris Jack DeLeon
Thesis Adviser: Sarvadaman D. S. Chowla
Thesis Title: Pisot Sequences and Pisot-Vijayaraghavan Numbers
Degree Year: 1968
Philip A. Leonard
Thesis Adviser: Sarvadaman D. S. Chowla
Thesis Title: Irreducible Translates of Quartics in GF[q, x]
Degree Year: 1968
Career Bio: Professor emeritus, Mathematics, Arizona State University
Robert Bradley McNeill
Thesis Adviser: Allan Krall
Thesis Title: Differential Systems
Degree Year: 1968
Sahib Singh
Thesis Adviser: Sarvadaman D. S. Chowla
Thesis Title: Bounds of Power Residues in Arithmetic Progression
Degree Year: 1968
Anthony D'Aristotle
Thesis Adviser: Orrin Frink
Thesis Title: On Generalized Wallman Spaces
Degree Year: 1967
Thesis Adviser: thesis adviserGeorge Grtzer
Thesis Title: Multiplicity Type and Subalgebra Structure in Universal Algebra
Degree Year: 1967
Career Bio: Professor, Vanderbilt University
Albert Robert Stralka
Thesis Adviser: Lee Anderson
Thesis Title: The Green Equivalences and Homeomorphisms on Compact Semigroups
Degree Year: 1967
Career Bio: Professor, University of California, Riverside
Gnter Hermann Wenzel
Thesis Adviser: George Grtzer
Thesis Title: On Marczewski's Six-Tuple of Constants in Finite Universal Algebras
Degree Year: 1967
John Hawley Rowland
Thesis Adviser: Lowell Schoenfeld
Thesis Title: On the Location of the Deviation Points in Chebyshev Approximation by Polynomials
Degree Year: 1966
Richard Alo
Thesis Adviser: Orrin Frink
Thesis Title: Order Topologies
Degree Year: 1965
Robert Lamar Blefko
Thesis Adviser: Stanisł
Thesis Title: On E-Compact Spaces
Degree Year: 1965
Harvey Gerber
Thesis Adviser: William Howard
Degree Year: 1965
Anthony Hager
Thesis Adviser: Nathan Fine
Thesis Title: On the Walsh Functions
Degree Year: 1965
Career Bio: Professor emeritus, Wesleyan University
Thesis Adviser: Lee Anderson
Thesis Title: On Near-Rings and Near-Ring Modules
Degree Year: 1964
Career Bio: Professor, University of Kentucky
Alan Seymour Cover
Thesis Adviser: Josephine Mitchell
Thesis Title: Properties of Harmonic Functions in n ( n greater than two) Variables
Degree Year: 1964
Hilbert Levitz
Thesis Adviser: Haskell Curry and William Howard
Thesis Title: On the Ordinal Notation of Schutte and the Ordinal Diagrams of Takeuti
Degree Year: 1964
Erika Adrienne Mares
Thesis Adviser: Raymond Ayoub
Thesis Title: Semi-Perfect Modules
Degree Year: 1964
Francis Louis Sandomierski
Thesis Adviser: Lee Anderson
Thesis Title: Relative Injectivity and Projectivity
Degree Year: 1964
Career Bio: Professor emeritus, Kent State University
Sigmund Arnold Smith
Thesis Adviser: Raymond Ayoub
Thesis Title: Predictions of Achievement in Analytic Geometry and Calculus
Degree Year: 1964
Earl Ray Willard
Thesis Adviser: Raymond Ayoub
Thesis Title: Functors between Categories of Modules
Degree Year: 1964
H J Biesterfeldt
Thesis Adviser: I. M. Sheffer and H. L. Krall
Degree Year: 1963
Career Bio: South Dakota Tech, U.Wisconsin,
U. Mass, Southern Illinois U. and Drexel U.
Thesis Adviser: Josephine Mitchell
Thesis Title: Some Properties of Harmonic Functions Generated by the Bergmann-Whittaker Operator
Degree Year: 1963
Career Bio: Professor, University of North Carolina at Capel Hill
Bruce Lercher
Thesis Adviser: Haskell Curry
Thesis Title: Strong Reduction and Recursion in Combinatory Logic
Degree Year: 1963
Luis Elpidis Sanchis
Thesis Adviser: Haskell Curry
Thesis Title: Normal Combinations and the Theory of Types
Degree Year: 1963
James L. Sieber
Thesis Adviser: William Pervin
Thesis Title: Generalizations of Some Topological Notions to Symtopogenic Spaces
Degree Year: 1963
Career Bio: Professor emeritus of Matheamtics and Computer
Science, Shippensburg University, Shippensburg, PA 17257
Kenneth L. Loewen
Thesis Adviser: Haskell Curry
Thesis Title: A Study of Strong Reduction in Combinatory Logic
Degree Year: 1962
William Aaron Beyer
Thesis Adviser: Isador Sheffer and John Kinney
Thesis Title: Besicovitch Dimension of Level Sets
Degree Year: 1959
William Perry
Thesis Adviser: Isador Sheffer
Thesis Title: Mean Value Theorems for Solutions of Certain Partial Differential Equations
Degree Year: 1957
Career Bio: 9th Secretary of Defense
February 3, 1994 January 23, 1997
Edward Jack Cogan
Thesis Adviser: Haskell Curry
Thesis Title: A Formalization of the Theory of Sets from the Point of View of Combinatory Logic
Degree Year: 1955
Henry D. Friedman
Thesis Adviser: Orrin Frink
Thesis Title: Topologies on a Space of Continuous Functions
Degree Year: 1953